Friday, March 15, 2013

Kids Can Surprise You Sometimes

This paragraph below is from my daughter Savannah.  It explains the You Tube link for their Public Service Announcement.  I was just so moved by what these kids put together in such a short time.

Savannah wrote:
"Our school wanted to be known as the kindest school in America so they had the freshmen class do acts of kindness to raise money for a homeless foundation and tied into it.   They want to stop bullying at our school so they said that each homeroom could make a PSA if they wanted.  We, as a homeroom, came up with the concept then people said that they wanted to hold up the signs and we got to choose both words we wanted to hold up.  Also this ties into the 26 Acts of Kindness, so far just the freshmen class in 4 days have done like 3700 something kind acts and if we get to our goal of 4000 sponsors will donate money to the homeless organization in Cincinnati, and on top of all that we are collecting money and food, health supplies like tooth paste shampoo stuff like that to donate."


  1. We reached our goal of 4000 acts of kindness :D

  2. Well done, Savannah! We are so proud of beautiful you!
