Thursday, March 21, 2013

"Song Bomb, Song Bomb" For Fun it’s a Wonderful Toy...

First let me say that I fully realize that putting up a blog post with the word "bomb" in it will probably put me on the "No Fly" list and might possibly result in the government tapping my phone.  Does that mean that I should occasionally pick up my phone and play random obnoxious songs?  Can you "Song Bomb" the Department of Homeland Security?  Just in case someone in some government cubicle is reading this, I have an entire "Weird Al Yankovic" collection and I'm not afraid to use it.  

(Side note - Spell Check wants to turn "Yankovic" into ordovician.  I don't know what that is but it sounds like some kind of weird phobia of Papal Conclaves or something like that.)  

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter.  "The Art of Song Bombing"

"Song Bombing" - when you have a song stuck in your head and the only way to get rid of it is to mention it to someone else so the song will pass from your head to theirs.  It is a proven remedy for removing annoying or obnoxious songs from your head.  4 out of 5 doctors endorse this technique.  We would have gotten the approval of that 5th doctor but we ran out of bribe money.  

Facebook makes the perfect vehicle for "Song Bombing" because you can attach the matching You Tube clip to really cement that song in someone's head.  Of course, there is always the risk of the "Self Song Bomb".  This is when you try to send a song back to someone but then it sticks in your head too and won't go away.  

So pass it along.  Get creative.  Spread your creative wings.  

In closing, CLICK HERE.  You've been "Song Bombed"!  

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